Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 40

I was tired and grumpy this afternoon, but class was pretty good. I did both sets of all of the postures. No major victories or progress to report today, and no major pain or problems either.

I think that my relationship is ending, and I am overwhelmingly emotional about that. I felt teary as I walked up the steps into the studio today, and I thought to myself, "I'm gonna end up crying in class today." But the yoga room provided me with a little temporary sanctuary. All of those thoughts and feelings left me while I focused on balance, breath, and ease. I am oh so thankful for my yoga.


  1. Nice that yoga can provide you with a santuary amid a tough time. Yoga can also help us get in touch and get the clarity we need when issues come up. So many people quit yoga when struggling outside the room. That is precisely the time we NEED the yoga!
    So, be a "continuer" as the Bikram101 post says today. And for sure allow yourself all those feelings. :)

  2. My heart goes out to you. Last year I did 99 days of yoga. As I approached day 60 an eight month relationship ended. Even though i wasn't with him for long, my heart was very broken. I fell hard for that man. The yoga helped, it really did. It would have been harder to deal with the heartbreak without the hot room.
    Hang in there....

  3. Thank you, lynx and BYC. I spoke with my counselor the other day, and he said something about staying "in alignment" with my needs, values, etc. It really struck me, because Bikram yoga can hurt while it's realigning your body, but it feels so good when your body heals up the old injuries and distortions. Going through something emotionally painful can bring me to a healthier state, better aligned in my emotions and spirit. I hope the rest of the "crazy 30" segment of the challenge can help me get through this stuff.

  4. Wow. I can't imagine going through something so emotionally trying as a breakup while doing a huge challenge. But I think you're saying that you're able to draw strength from it, even as it is challenging.

    I agree--it aligns our bodies and our emotions. There's the opportunity for real growth here.

    And yay for counselors :-) That's all I'll say about that one!
