Saturday, January 30, 2010

30 Days!

Yea! We made it to Day 30! This is a first for me, and I can't wait to reach the next milestone in this challenge.

I had a lovely class tonight. The fierce and feared instructor taught us tonight, and I did my best to avoid attracting attention. Ms F doesn't let us get away with resting out postures unless we are truly unable to do them. She calls out sandbaggers. Luckily, I felt strong enough to do all of the postures. I didn't have my best day at standing head to knee or standing bow pulling pose, but it was, by and large, a good class. Bow pose on the floor went better today--good alignment--and I got my heels together in half-tortoise without suffering foot cramps.

Sleepy now, and in a good way. I'm about to crawl into bed and dream good yoga dreams so that I can practice well tomorrow. G'night!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! 30 days! Hurray!

    It will only get better from here on.
